A transparent examination of motives, purpose and conscience gives rise to Job’s next defense of his integrity before God. He has not had a secret life of evil and lived as a hypocrite, nor has his land nor his tenants suffered at his hand. Verses 33, 34 and...
May I Present My Case to God? | Tom J. Nettles
“Having given an account of his conduct concerning his accountability to the second table of the commandments, Job now looks at his awareness of the accountability set forth in the first table.”
Are all sins the same? | Tom Hicks
“Is it true that all people are equally sinful? If someone has sinful anger in his heart, but never acts on it, is that person really the same as someone who has sinful anger in his heart and then murders his whole family?”
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself: Job 31 Continued | Tom J. Nettles
Job claims honesty in all his dealings with others (31:5-8). Job now begins a series of possible conditions that would justly bring about divine judgment on him - “If I have walked with falsehood . . . If my step has turned aside from the way.” About seventeen...
John Zacchio | CBTS Graduate
My name is John Zacchio Jr., and I am married to my wonderful wife Faith Zacchio. Together, we are raising 2 beautiful children (Josiah & Maeve) while we await the arrival of our third child, Owen. We live in Southern California, in San Diego County, where...
Live with Righteousness, Even When Life is Upside-Down | Tom J. Nettles
Here in the finale of Job’s last appeal for a hearing with God, he lays out his case that he is willing to plead with this all-powerful being that seems to be his adversary. He laments the loss of former days of favor with God and man (Job 29:1-11) He...
Rom 13:3–4 and the Prescription of Government Roles | Timothy Decker
Paul was giving apostolic teaching as to the role, purpose, and function the civil government. He was prescribing what the civil government ought to do in human society.
Saying “amen” in public worship | Sam Waldron
True worship in the church should be an expression of corporate unity.
True shepherds protect their flocks | Jim Savastio
“Some men love to fight and are drawn to controversy. I assert that such a spirit is not encouraged in the bible. There are times, however, when the glory of God and the authority of truth and the safety of the flock demands that pastors take a forceful stand.”
What are some essential aspects of pastoral ministry? | Tom Hicks
Much of what passes for pastoral ministry today is nothing other than the application of philosophies and methods of corporate America in the church. Too many pastors think of themselves as doing their jobs, and they don’t think of themselves as God’s men who are called to a whole-life pastoral ministry among God’s beloved people.