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Spring 2024 Registration, now open!

Spring 2024 Registration, now open!

Registration for Spring 2024 Live Classes is now open. We have another great lineup of live classes this semester. So, follow this link to enroll in one or more of these courses:

CBTSeminary hosts ARTS annual meeting

CBTSeminary hosts ARTS annual meeting

On October 5-6th, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary had the privilege of hosting the annual Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries meeting in Owensboro. KY. ARTS is an accrediting organization and the mission of ARTS is to preserve and advance the academic quality, accountability, and improvement of institutions committed to educating students in the tenets of Reformed Theology.

A Recap of “Recovering the Orthodox Van Til.”

A Recap of “Recovering the Orthodox Van Til.”

On January 5th-7th of 2023, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary hosted its winter module course, “Recovering the Orthodox Van Til” taught by Dr. Lane Tipton. The course overviewed the Trinitarian theology and apologetic methodology of Van Til and compared his thought to Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth.

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