William Carey Scholarship Program

A program for international students whose academic

abilities are hindered by financial constraints.

The William Carey Scholarship program seeks to further enable international church planters, pastors and aspiring pastors in financial need to access a confessional Reformed Baptist theological education and to supply digital books to bolster the resources available to our international students at a price they can afford.  

Program Requirements:
• Student must live outside of the United States
• Student must complete a minimum or 10 credit hours/year.
• Student must maintain a minimum of 3.0 GPA.
Financial need must be demonstrated. 

Program Benefits:
Applications will be reviewed by the Student Assistance Committee for approval and determination of fund disbursement. Applicants may receive reduced or waived tuition, reduced semester enrollment fees, Logos resources, or a combination of the three.

*Note: The fund is allocated as a pool. Individual donations are not matched up with individual students. 

The application deadline for the next academic year is July 20.

Scholarships will be allotted the first week of August.

Applications are open now. 

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