Pastoral Mentoring

Guidelines and Resources

In accordance with 2 Timothy 2:2, we are convinced that it is the duty of pastors to train men for the gospel ministry. CBTS does not replace the pastor/mentor but seeks to come alongside him to help prepare men who love our Lord to become faithful shepherds of His sheep. Each student in either of our pastoral tracks will have the benefits of a seasoned minister of the gospel investing personally in his life and ministry. 

The various CBTS resources for students and mentors can be downloaded here.

Mentoring Guidelines for each of our Divinity programs appear under the tabs below.


MDiv/BDiv Student Mentoring Guidelines

(for students who are not currently pastors)

The primary goal of CBTS is the training of future pastors. This training involves a partnership between Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary and local churches. In addition to the 94 hours of academic instruction, the program mandates a minimum of 500 hours of pastoral mentoring and practical experience, overseen by one or more of the student’s pastors. This character-molding, hands on aspect of training is structured around the biblical qualifications of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 and includes a quarterly assessment of the student regarding his progress in godliness and service.

This pastoral mentoring should expose the student to the full range of pastoral responsibilities and provide opportunity for practical experience and assessment from the mentor. Each semester, the mentor and student should develop an agreed upon plan concerning specific responsibilities and opportunities (see examples below). The student is responsible to record the dates/hours, have them verified by their mentor, and submit them to the registrar at the end of each semester.

Spiritual Maturity and Character

Quarterly Meetings: Student will meet with pastors at least once a quarter for assessment in spiritual maturity and character. Includes personal spiritual health, marriage, family, and witness to outsiders.

Preaching and Teaching

Preaching: Student will be given opportunities to preach in some venue, preferably a worship service. Pastors will provide encouragement in strengths as well as constructive criticism for improvements for each sermon. (See sample sermon evaluation forms below).

Weekly Teaching: Student will be given opportunities for regular teaching (for example, during a 13-week Sunday School class). If possible, feedback from class members is encouraged.

Evangelism: Student will regularly engage unconverted people with a view to sharing the gospel outside of the church. These opportunities will be assessed by the mentor at their quarterly meetings.

Other Pastoral Responsibilities

Worship Service Planning: Student will be given several opportunities to coordinate all aspects of a worship service including music, prayer, Scripture reading, and preaching.

Pastoral Counseling: Student will sit in on pastoral counseling sessions when able. This should include different types of counseling, and include pre-marital counseling.

Weddings: Student will help his pastor as he prepares for a wedding. This should cover all aspects of a gospel-centered wedding.

Funeral: Student will help his pastor as he prepares for a funeral. This should cover all aspects of a gospel-centered funeral.

Ordinances: Student will observe the preparation and administration of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  Discussion and explanation should include all aspects of the ordinances.

Visitation: Student will go with pastor to visit church members and others. This should include hospital visits, visiting shut-ins, and family visits.

Hospitality: Student will open up his home to host members in the church and those outside of the church for the purpose of evangelism and edification. These opportunities will be discussed with the pastors at their quarterly meetings.

Meetings: Student will attend pastor meetings and deacon meetings. He should also learn how to lead in these meetings.

MDiv/BDiv Student Mentoring Guidelines

(for students who are currently pastors)

The primary goal of CBTS is the training of pastors. We recognize that some of our students are already currently engaged in pastoral ministry.  While already involved in the work of the ministry, these students would also benefit from the wisdom and experience of pastors who have served in pastoral ministry for a longer period of time. Thus students who are currently pastors are to seek out a more experienced pastor to be their mentor. If a local mentor cannot be found, the mentor relationship may be conducted at a distance.

The student and his mentor should meet quarterly (either in person or through telephone and/or video conferencing) to discuss both aspects of spiritual maturity (including personal spiritual health, marriage, family, and witness to outsiders) and ministry competency (preaching, teaching, counseling, worship service planning, visitation, weddings, funerals, leading various meetings, etc.). The mentor is also expected to listen to 12 sermons over the course of the student’s time of study, and provide helpful feedback to the student.

MAPS/DPS Student Mentoring Guidelines

The Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies program involves a partnership between Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary and local churches. In addition to the 33 hours of academic instruction, the program mandates a minimum of 200 hours of pastoral mentoring and practical experience, overseen by one or more of the student’s pastors. This character-molding, hands on aspect of training is structured around the biblical qualifications of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 and includes a quarterly assessment of the student regarding his progress in godliness and service.

Spiritual Maturity and Character

Quarterly Meetings: Student will meet with pastors at least once a quarter for assessment in spiritual maturity and character. Includes personal spiritual health, marriage, family, and witness to outsiders. (Minimum of 16 hours)

Preaching and Teaching

Preaching: Student will preach 8 times during the course of their program in some venue, preferably a worship service. Pastors will provide encouragement in strengths as well as constructive criticism for improvements for each sermon. (*Minimum of 48 hours)

Teaching: Student will teach in an adult Sunday School or Bible study setting. If possible,
feedback from class members is encouraged. (*Recommend at least hours)

* Preaching and teaching hours include preparation time.

Evangelism: Student will regularly engage unconverted people with a view to sharing the gospel outside of the church. These opportunities will be assessed by the pastors of the student at their quarterly meetings. (Minimum of 16 hours)

Other Pastoral Responsibilities

Worship Service Planning: Student will coordinate all aspects of a worship service at least once a quarter, including music, prayer, Scripture reading, and preaching. (Minimum of 8 hours)

Pastoral Counseling: Student will sit in on pastoral counseling sessions at least once a quarter. This should include different types of counseling, and include pre-marital counseling. (Minimum of 8 hours)

Weddings: Student will help his pastor at least once as he prepares for a wedding. This should cover all aspects of a gospel-centered wedding. (Minimum of 2 hours)

Funerals: Student will help his pastor at least once as he prepares for a funeral. This should cover all aspects of a gospel-centered funeral. (Minimum of 2 hours)

Ordinances: Student will observe the preparation and administration of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  Discussion and explanation should include all aspects of the ordinances. (Minimum of 4 hours)

Visitation: Student will go with pastor at least once a quarter to visit church members and others. This should include hospital visits, visiting shut-ins, and family visits. (Minimum of 16 hours)

Hospitality: Student will open up his home at least once a quarter to host members in the church and those outside of the church for the purpose of evangelism and edification. (Minimum of 8)

Meetings: Student will attend pastor meetings at least twice a quarter and deacon meetings at least once a quarter. He should also learn how to lead in these meetings. (Minimum of 20 hours)






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