*The following excerpt is from John Owen's work, The Mortification of Sin. How do we begin to mortify sin? First, consider what dangerous symptoms thy lust hath attending or accompanying it,—whether it hath any deadly mark on it or no; if it...
Augustine’s Conversion
“Behold I heard a voice from some neighbour’s house, as it had been of a boy or girl, I know not whether, in a singing tune saying, and often repeating: Take up and read, Take up and read.”
Why Should Open-Air Preachers Memorize Scripture? | Brandon Rhea
With the advent of Bible apps for smartphones and waterproof Bibles for the foul elements, memorizing scripture does not seem to be a necessity for the open-air preacher. With fingertip availability of the Bible, open-air preachers may fall into the trap of thinking that knowing where the verse is in the Bible is just as satisfactory as memorizing it.
How do we expound the Scriptures? | Andrew Fuller
“It is advantageous to a people that what they hear should come directly from the word of God, and that they should be led to see the scope and connexion of the sacred writers. For want of this, a great number of Scripture passages are misunderstood and misapplied.”
Heroes in the Pew | Jim Savastio
My heroes consist by and large of the men and women of my church. They are the faithful plodders of God’s Kingdom.
There is a Friend Who Sticks Closer Than a Brother | Sam Waldron
Dear Christian, no one loves you like the Lord Jesus. The love of your dearest friend in all the world is a mere shadow of the love of this friend who sticks closer than a brother!
TEXTUAL ODDITIES OF THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS TRADITION IN 1 JOHN Part 1: Printing Oddities within the TR Tradition | Timothy Decker
As revolutionary as the movable type-setting printing press was, in the beginning of the printed editions of the Greek New Testament (GNT), it was not without its flaws. A number of such printer errors appear in the various editions of the TR, or what I call the TR tradition.
The Glory of Christ in His Second Coming: What Accompanies and Follows It | Sam Waldron
The glory of Christ’s return includes the perfect completion of God’s redemptive purpose. Not one of the elect will be lost.
What is a type? | Benjamin Keach
What is a type? In the definition, (1.) We are to respect its etymology. (2.) Its Homonymy, or various acceptations. The Greek word τυπος, typos, which generally is used in this affair, is derived of τυπτω, which signifies to beat or strike, and is formed of...
The Glory of Christ in His Second Coming: What Precedes and Leads Up to It | Sam Waldron
24 "But in those days, after that tribulation, THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, 25 AND THE STARS WILL BE FALLING from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken. 26 "Then they will see THE SON OF MAN COMING IN CLOUDS...