Adam and Eve heard from the mouth of God the first promise of the gospel in Genesis 3:15. But did they believe in it? Did they receive and rest their souls in the promise that the Redeemer would be sent into the world to destroy the devil and reverse the curse and bring in everlasting blessedness?
Search Results
The Scope of Scripture | Ben Carlson
“The scope of Scripture teaches us that all biblical roads in one way or another lead to Christ. The entire Bible points to the redemption of sinners and restoration of the universe by the incarnate Son of God.”
The Christian Hope | Ben Carlson
Introduction The final destiny of the redeemed is glorious. We read about it in many New Testament passages...
The Application of Christian Liberty | Ben Carlson
“Never budge on the principle of your freedom in Christ, but be pliable in your practice of your freedom before other Christians.”
The Doctrine of Christian Liberty | Ben Carlson
As Christians who are freedmen of the Lord, we must not live by the Rolling Stones motto of “I’m free to do what I want any old time.” We are free, but free to do what Christ wants any old time. We are slaves and bondservants of Christ.
A Historical Introduction to Christian Liberty | Ben Carlson
Christian liberty frees us from this kind of slavery to the traditions and impositions of men in order to follow the clear and objective Word of God.
Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience | Ben Carlson
Sometimes discussions on Christian liberty revolve around what Christians should or should not do. But our main focus needs to be on what Christ has already done for us.
The Hanging Chad of Hermeneutics: Human Authorial Intent | Ben Carlson
In the realm of biblical interpretation, I believe human authorial intent is the hanging chad of hermeneutics. Grounding the full meaning of any text of Scripture in the mind of the human author may seem like a sufficient method of interpretation but upon further investigation, it is found lacking.
10 Reasons Why God Afflicts Christians | Ben Carlson
For those who believe in Christ, in the midst of all the storms you will ever face in this life, God is in control and is teaching you precious truths that will do your soul eternal good.
Why is the Angel of the LORD Important? | Ben Carlson
When we connect the Angel of the LORD with the Lord Jesus Christ, we see how intimately and actively involved our Savior has been in the affairs of His people from the very beginning of time.