How does the Day of Atonement foreshadow Jesus’ atonement? How does the yearly sacrifice portend Christ’s redemption?
The Day of Atonement: Foreshadowing Believer’s Baptism | Brandon Rhea
How do the Levitical washings foreshadow believer’s baptism? How do the ceremonial baths portend a Christian’s immersion?
The Day of Atonement: Foreshadowing Jesus’ Particular Atonement | Brandon Rhea
How does the Day of Atonement foreshadow Jesus’ atonement for His people? How does the yearly sacrifice portend Christ’s redemption for His elect?
The Day of Atonement: Foreshadowing Jesus Our Propitiation and Scapegoat | Brandon Rhea
How does the Day of Atonement foreshadow Jesus’ atonement for His people? How does the yearly sacrifice portend Christ’s redemption for His elect?
The Day of Atonement: Foreshadowing Jesus Our High Priest | Brandon Rhea
How does the Day of Atonement foreshadow Jesus’ atonement for His people? How does the yearly sacrifice portend Christ’s redemption for His elect?
What is the purpose of the Sabbath? | Brandon Rhea
What is your view of the Christian Sabbath? Do you even think that Christians are commanded to keep a Sabbath in the New Covenant? If you do, do you know how to keep it to the glory of God?
TEXTUAL ODDITIES OF THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS TRADITION IN 1 JOHN Part 2: Printing Oddities within the TR Tradition, Continued | Timothy Decker
It seems to be premature to base one’s view of preservation of Scripture upon a certain textual tradition such as the TR in part because it arose at the same time that the providential technological advancement of the printing press.
Treasure the Ransom | Job 36:6-18 | Tom J. Nettles
Elihu interacts with Job on the mystery of God’s ways with a sinful world, its sinful people, his wrath, and his way of bringing people to repentance and obedience. The righteous are always under the protective eyes of God (7). In a prophetic word about the...
God is Good | Job 36:1-6 | Tom J. Nettles
Goodness does not mean moral gullibility and can include no compromise of perfect justice.
Paul and James Harmonized | Austin McCormick
*Editor's Note: This blog post is a portion of Pastor Austin McCormick's sermon manuscript from a message titled "Faith Without Works is Dead, Pt.3." The author was greatly helped by the commentators Matthew Poole and Francis Turretin in arranging these four...