The doctrine of the threefold division of the law teaches that God’s law, as revealed and given to the nation of Israel at Mount Sinai, can be and should be divided into three elements. These are the moral law, ceremonial law and judicial law.
An Irenic Clarification | Rex Semrad
Some public responses to Dr. Waldron’s recent blog post, “Do We Still Believe in Sola Scriptura?” have demonstrated a misunderstanding of both the purpose of the article and the main point of the article. This article was not in any way intended to be an attack on any particular person or group of people.
Revealed Truth for Earnest Prayer | Tom Nettles
Daniel’s prayer of repentance and intercession in Daniel 9 gives quite a remarkable lesson in how to pray and for what to pray.
Moral Law & the Covenant of Works | Sam Waldron
Of Creation | 1689 4:3 Besides the law written in their hearts, they received a command not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which whilst they kept, they were happy in their communion with God, and had dominion over the creatures. The...
Joseph Stennett & Anne Dutton on the Lord’s Supper | Michael Haykin
Anne Dutton (1692–1765), a prolific Baptist author who corresponded with many of the leading Evangelical figures of the eighteenth century—including George Whitefield (1714–1770) and John Wesley (1703–1791)— was certain that in the Lord’s Supper “the King is pleas’d to sit with us, at his Table.”
The Account of Creation | Sam Waldron
The fact is that one cannot neatly remove Genesis 1-11 from the biblical organism. It is not like removing scaffolding on a building after a paint job is finished. It is rather like wrenching the head from a living animal.
Why is the Angel of the LORD Important? | Ben Carlson
When we connect the Angel of the LORD with the Lord Jesus Christ, we see how intimately and actively involved our Savior has been in the affairs of His people from the very beginning of time.
Do We Still Believe in Sola Scriptura? | Sam Waldron
With such clear and crucial scriptural truth and confessional affirmation before us, it is nothing less than shocking to be confronted in recent years with assertions by Reformed men that (seem to me) directly undermine the truth of the supremacy and sufficiency of sola scriptura.
Spurgeon on the Sin of Unbelief | Tom Nettles
Unbelief has many shades of dark and darker hues; it appears in the regenerate under a variety of circumstances, but increasingly engulfs the unregenerate.
21 Misunderstandings of Calvinism | Sam Waldron
I have arranged my treatment of 21 Misunderstandings of Calvinism in the order of T-U-L-I-P.