The quickest and surest way to bring about change in a society is to instill a sense of panic. In a nation, in a community, and yes, in the churches, if you can convince people that we are in peril, that their very survival is at stake, that things have never...
TEXTUAL ODDITIES OF THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS IN 1 JOHN Part 4: Strange Textual Readings in the TR | Timothy Decker
In this article, we will note a somewhat unique feature in 1 John—the uncharacteristic shorter readings of the Byzantine and TR readings.
CBTSeminary names lecture hall after departed saint, Mickey Myers
Mickey was a faithful member of GRBC and a close friend of Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. He regularly attended evening courses and modules at CBTS and enjoyed attending conferences to represent the Seminary.
Sabbath Applications | Ben Carlson
For observing the Lord’s Day properly, people may look at you like you are an alien from another planet. But this is the very thing that identifies you as a follower of Jesus Christ!
The Practice of the Sabbath Day | Ben Carlson
Christians must schedule their entire week around the Lord’s Day. But instead of living Saturday to Saturday like the college football player or Monday to Monday like the American worker, as a Christian live your life Sabbath Day to Sabbath Day.
Defending the Christian Sabbath | Ben Carlson
Opponents of Christian Sabbatarianism (specifically, anti-sabbatarians) are quick either to pity us as weak brethren or decry us as staunch legalists by citing several passages which they believe destroy any notion of sacred time and days in the NT.
The Precept of the Sabbath Day | Ben Carlson
The concept of sacred time has been largely lost in our society today. Most people treat every day the same. Jobs are worked 7 days a week. Sports are played 7 days a week. Hobbies are enjoyed 7 days a week. Shopping is done 7 days a week. Even many professing...
The Perpetuity of the Sabbath | Ben Carlson
Here are 12 biblical arguments for the perpetuity of the Sabbath Day throughout human history.
Postscript on the Increase of Knowledge of God | Job | Tom J. Nettles
One of the lessons of Job is this: Everyone must increase in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:9, 10)
Within and Beyond Job | Tom J. Nettles
God’s granting of pleasure in this life should drive us to see the bountiful nature of his goodness and mercy, and any interruption of our pleasure in this life, whether mild or severe, is designed to bring us to a knowledge of sin and the need for a mediator that can restore righteousness, for God will not be finally reconciled to us apart from true and complete righteousness.