The 1689 Baptist Confession gives us an extensive doctrine of sola scriptura. This is a glorious inheritance from our Baptist forefathers. We must not truncate its meaning or significance.
The Hanging Chad of Hermeneutics: Human Authorial Intent | Ben Carlson
In the realm of biblical interpretation, I believe human authorial intent is the hanging chad of hermeneutics. Grounding the full meaning of any text of Scripture in the mind of the human author may seem like a sufficient method of interpretation but upon further investigation, it is found lacking.
CBTSeminary Announces New MATS Counseling Program
July 12, 2022
Today CBTS has announced the formation of a new track for their Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree program in Biblical Counseling. This track is the third MATS track that will be offered alongside the two existing tracks of Systematic/Historical Studies and Biblical Studies.
The Effects of Sin in the Unconverted – 1689 6:4 | Sam Waldron
The reality of total depravity means that the sins which people commit are not mistakes or glitches in an otherwise good person. No, the Confession draws the opposite conclusion.
The Solidarity of the Human Race in Sin – 1689 6:2-3 | Sam Waldron
It is this solidarity in Adam that explains so much that otherwise would be inexplicable. Why does every human sin? What are the odds of that? Why does the Scripture say that men are born sinful and go from the womb speaking lies?
The Origin of Sin -1689 6:1 | Sam Waldron
The first sin consisted in the transgression of law. Adam, according to the Confession, violated both the general obligations of the law written on his heart and the specific and specially revealed command regarding the tree when he fell.
The Famous Sermon by William Carey | Michael Haykin
Human strength and human schemes will fail in the expansion of God’s kingdom. It must be God’s work.
What is pastoral preaching? | Tom Hicks
“A pastoral preacher is not merely concerned with the meaning and theology of the text, but also with the particular people to whom he’s preaching.”
Where is the Sabbath in the Early Church? (Pt.3) | Jon English Lee
Continuing our series on the Sabbath, this post will look at the thought of the early church father Justin Martyr to see what he thought concerning the Sabbath/Lord’s Day debate. Justin Martyr Justin was a second-century writer and itinerant evangelist,...
Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things | R. Austin McCormick
To rightly examine the life, ministry, and impact of William Carey is to consider a group of friends plodding together for the Lord.