“This view … could allow for the ‘man of lawlessness’ to be the Roman Catholic church in its exaltation of the Pope, the bishop of Rome, to the position of vicar of Christ, asserting his infallibility ex cathedra, his granting of dispensations, and proclaiming of the meritorious status of pilgrimages, the doctrine of transubstantiation and the continual sacrifice of Christ.”
The Application of Christian Liberty | Ben Carlson
“Never budge on the principle of your freedom in Christ, but be pliable in your practice of your freedom before other Christians.”
A Recap of “Recovering the Orthodox Van Til.”
On January 5th-7th of 2023, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary hosted its winter module course, “Recovering the Orthodox Van Til” taught by Dr. Lane Tipton. The course overviewed the Trinitarian theology and apologetic methodology of Van Til and compared his thought to Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth.
Reforming Old Princeton: Understanding How Theology Proper Should Govern Apologetics | Dewey Dovel
“Despite the many glories of Old Princeton, there were still noticeable characteristics of the seminary that had ample room for reform.”
John Miller Appointed to Vice President and Academic Dean
Today Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of John Miller to the position of Vice President and Academic Dean.
Pastoral Ministrations | Taylor Settle
In addition to the character qualifications, the Minister who is called of God is also to set an example to the church in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (1 Tm. 4:12)
He Who Hinders | Tom Nettles
“Some identify the hinderer as some power in society that is in competition with the goals of the lawless one. They see the Roman emperor as the hinderer…. Paul, however, indicates that the Thessalonians already know about the operation of hindrance of evil…”
The Doctrine of Christian Liberty | Ben Carlson
As Christians who are freedmen of the Lord, we must not live by the Rolling Stones motto of “I’m free to do what I want any old time.” We are free, but free to do what Christ wants any old time. We are slaves and bondservants of Christ.
The Calling of the Minister | Taylor Settle
“Scripture gives clear commands as to the gifts necessary and the character necessary for a man aspiring to the office of overseer.”
Man of Sin, Son of Destruction | Tom Nettles
The man of lawlessness, in the style of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 3:1-7 or Darius in Daniel 6:6-9, claims all the power and prerogatives of a god. He makes himself the final point of loyalty for all his subjects. He opposes every object of worship other than himself, exalts himself above them and even inserts his own authority above the God of the Bib