“Christians have not been called to proclaim the probable existence of a bare, generic, philosophical conception of a god. Rather, followers of Jesus Christ have been called to make disciples of the one, true, living God throughout every corner of the earth.”
Implications of the Covenant of Grace | 1689 7:2 | Sam Waldron
In agreement with the Reformed, the Baptists set beside the covenant of works a covenant of grace by which God determined to restore fallen mankind to a place of favor in His sight and put them into possession of the eternal life they had forfeited by breaking the covenant of works.
Van Tillian Presuppositionalism: The Consistent Application of Divine Aseity | Dewey Dovel
“Van Til revolutionized Old Princeton’s faulty approach to the defense of Christianity, demonstrating how the Reformed doctrine of God must inform the method of apologetics from start to finish.”
Of God’s Covenant | 1689 7:1 | Sam Waldron
This paragraph shows a number of important ways in which the Baptists agreed with basic aspects of the covenant theology of the Reformed.
Understanding Old Princeton’s Doctrine of God & Approach to Apologetics | Dewey Dovel
At the center of Old Princeton’s confessional identity was the conviction that the doctrine of God is most important to shaping every other facet of theological speculation, in supplementation to informing one’s ability to accurately understand reality itself.
Love of the Truth | Tom Nettles
“This view … could allow for the ‘man of lawlessness’ to be the Roman Catholic church in its exaltation of the Pope, the bishop of Rome, to the position of vicar of Christ, asserting his infallibility ex cathedra, his granting of dispensations, and proclaiming of the meritorious status of pilgrimages, the doctrine of transubstantiation and the continual sacrifice of Christ.”
The Application of Christian Liberty | Ben Carlson
“Never budge on the principle of your freedom in Christ, but be pliable in your practice of your freedom before other Christians.”
A Recap of “Recovering the Orthodox Van Til.”
On January 5th-7th of 2023, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary hosted its winter module course, “Recovering the Orthodox Van Til” taught by Dr. Lane Tipton. The course overviewed the Trinitarian theology and apologetic methodology of Van Til and compared his thought to Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth.
Reforming Old Princeton: Understanding How Theology Proper Should Govern Apologetics | Dewey Dovel
“Despite the many glories of Old Princeton, there were still noticeable characteristics of the seminary that had ample room for reform.”
John Miller Appointed to Vice President and Academic Dean
Today Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of John Miller to the position of Vice President and Academic Dean.