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New Testament
Ten Tenets of Hyper-Calvinism | Geoff Thomas

Ten Tenets of Hyper-Calvinism | Geoff Thomas

There is much talk of ‘hyper-Calvinism’ – even though one rarely comes across hyper-Calvinists anywhere in the world. It is like the references to those who are ‘dead orthodox’ while, though they exist, meeting one is a rare encounter. So, there is some ignorance of what are the tenets and consequences of ‘hyper-Calvinism.’

Love of the Truth | Tom Nettles

Love of the Truth | Tom Nettles

“This view … could allow for the ‘man of lawlessness’ to be the Roman Catholic church in its exaltation of the Pope, the bishop of Rome, to the position of vicar of Christ, asserting his infallibility ex cathedra, his granting of dispensations, and proclaiming of the meritorious status of pilgrimages, the doctrine of transubstantiation and the continual sacrifice of Christ.”

He Who Hinders | Tom Nettles

He Who Hinders | Tom Nettles

“Some identify the hinderer as some power in society that is in competition with the goals of the lawless one. They see the Roman emperor as the hinderer…. Paul, however, indicates that the Thessalonians already know about the operation of hindrance of evil…”

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