This in from Jeremy Walker at the Wanderer: Earlier today a friend passed on a nugget of Spurgeon wisdom, which -...
Search Results
Reformation 21 mentions Reformed Baptist Theological Review
In an article entitled The Christian and his Books by Rob Ventura & Jack Buckley, the authors recommend Reformed...
Sermon notes: The Reformation and the Election – Ephesians 1:4
The Reformation and the Election - Ephesians 1:4 A sermon preached on Lord’s Day, October 31, 2010...
Is “Holy Hip-Hop” holy? by Prof. David Murray
A dear brother (David Murray) I had the privilege of meeting two years ago has posted a very gracious yet penetrating...
Hamilton’s new book: Part I
Wow! Crossway sent me two (2) review copies of Jim Hamilton's new book God's Glory in Salvation Through Judgment - A...
Response to Schreiner on the Sabbath: #3
I closed my first response to Dr. Schreiner with these words: “In my thinking, there is more to the Sabbath than a...
John Piper – The Achillies’ Heel of the Next Generation
Sobering words for all of us to consider.
Dr. Horton on the importance of ministerial education
Brief clip over at R. Scott Clark's blog. Watch it here.
Dr. James White at MCTS: Registration now open!
From January 3-8, 2011, Dr. James White will be lecturing at MCTS on various subjects - New Atheism, Islam, Roman...
Remembering Martin Luther: Part II (Luther’s Conversion)
Part I is here. The exact date of Luther’s conversion is debated. We do know that some time between 1513 and...