Wow! Crossway sent me two (2) review copies of Jim Hamilton’s new book God’s Glory in Salvation Through Judgment – A Biblical Theology. It looks wonderful. Though I did not have the time, I read about 1/2 of the first chapter. Great stuff so far! I have read most of . They are well worth the read and will give you much food for further study of the Scriptures. I hope to share my thoughts as I work my way through this 639 page book.

Dr. Richard Barcellos is associate professor of New Testament Studies. He received a B.S. from California State University, Fresno, an M.Div. from The Master’s Seminary, and a Th.M. and Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary. Dr. Barcellos is pastor of Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Palmdale, CA. He is author of Trinity & Creation, The Covenant of Works, and Getting the Garden Right. He has contributed articles to various journals and is a member of ETS.
Courses taught for CBTS: New Testament Introduction, Biblical Hermeneutics, Biblical Theology I, Biblical Theology II.