If we are permitted to exegete the Westminster Confession by means of its admitted historical precedents, there need be no doubt that it is not a Theonomic document.
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Understanding the Supposed “Theocratic Kingdom” | Sam Waldron
Etymologically, theocracy means “God-rule.” Theologically, however, defining this word is much more difficult.
The Challenges of Critiquing Theonomy | Sam Waldron
“One major difficulty in critiquing Theonomy is the diversity of thought within the ranks of Christian Reconstructionists. There is a substantial difference of opinion among ‘Theonomists’ as to the specific application of Old Testament laws.”
The Sources of Theonomic Development | Sam Waldron
It is not my goal to provide a thorough overview of Christian Reconstruction. Others have done this well. Something must be said, however, about the basic sources of this movement and the major tenets of Theonomy or Christian Reconstruction.
Theonomy: A Reformed Baptist Assessment | Sam Waldron
If Theonomists were only arguing for a return to the Ten Commandments as the moral law for human life, right-minded Reformed thinkers would not and could not reject it. Theonomy—though it means God’s law literally—means much more and much else theologically.
The Believer’s Remaining Corruption ~ 1689 6:5 | Sam Waldron
The teaching of this final paragraph is an important safeguard against two errors: perfectionism and Pharisaism. It shows that though the standard of Christian behavior remains perfection (1 Pet. 1:15, 16; 2:21, 22; 1 John 2:1), yet no Christian attains that standard in this life.
What You Need to Build a Church | Sam Waldron
Preface: Recently I visited a group of folks interested in starting a church. I think what I shared with them...
What Sola Scriptura Does and Does Not Mean | Sam Waldron
The 1689 Baptist Confession gives us an extensive doctrine of sola scriptura. This is a glorious inheritance from our Baptist forefathers. We must not truncate its meaning or significance.
The Effects of Sin in the Unconverted – 1689 6:4 | Sam Waldron
The reality of total depravity means that the sins which people commit are not mistakes or glitches in an otherwise good person. No, the Confession draws the opposite conclusion.
The Solidarity of the Human Race in Sin – 1689 6:2-3 | Sam Waldron
It is this solidarity in Adam that explains so much that otherwise would be inexplicable. Why does every human sin? What are the odds of that? Why does the Scripture say that men are born sinful and go from the womb speaking lies?