In this lesson, we will examine the biblical doctrine of calling or vocation. This doctrine relates to the places and situations where God has called us to work in this world. The Roman Catholic church teaches that only priests and holy orders like monks and...
Ezekiel 40-48: A Troublesome Temple Vision, Hermeneutics, and Jesus Christ | Brandt Athey
Introduction In another sphere of life, the present author was privileged to sit under the teaching of a well-known veterinary cardiologist, Robert Hamlin. Professor Hamlin was a gifted researcher and clinician with a unique teaching style: case scenarios were...
Samuel Medley: His Life and His Hymn | Nettie SouVonna Miller
“God shall alone the refuge be”: The hymn of Samuel Medley (1738-1799)[1] In 2004 a little-known eighteenth-century hymn, was modified and set to a modern tune by Drew Hodges and recorded by the Christian Rock group Kanon.[2] Only two of the original...
Biblical Mercy Ministry | Jeff Bys
*Editors Note: This article was originally printed in Pro Pastor: A Journal of Grace Bible Theological Seminary 2, no. 1 (Spring 2023): 42-48. It is used by permission of the Editor of Pro Pastor. It was a hot day in early December 2016. My family and I...
2 Thessalonians 2 and the Tribulation and Second Coming | Sam Waldron
If you were to judge from Christian bookstores, TV Bible teachers, the Left Behind movies, and popular Christian writing, you would think that Pretribulationism, the Secret Rapture, and the Pretribulational coming of Christ were taught plainly and everywhere in...
CovCon24′ and the Great Tribulation | Sam Waldron
When the question was raised about the “Great Tribulation” in the Q&A, all of us speakers responded with “crickets.” Why? Someone might ask.
Matthew’s Use of Isaiah | Ken Klein
In chapter two of The Story Retold: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament, the authors state, “For a variety of reasons, many scholars argue that Jesus and the New Testament authors did not cite the Old Testament in accordance with its...
Austin McCormick | CBTS Graduate
By the free and sovereign grace of the Triune God, I have salvation in Jesus Christ. The giver of every good gift and every perfect gift has given me a believing spouse—fit for me as a helpmate. Rachel Dawn is a sacrificial servant, worthy of imitation; she is my...
The Law/Gospel Distinction, Moralism, and Preaching | Johnny Zacchio
How important is the right preaching of the law and the gospel? Calvin’s successor, Theodore Beza, once observed, “Ignorance of this distinction between Law and Gospel is one of the principle sources of the abuses which corrupted and still corrupt...
The Spiritual Culture of Eden: The Purpose of Sabbath Keeping in the Example of Jeremiah Chaplin | Christopher E. Osterbrock
Keeping the Sabbath remains a biblical and invigorating practice in Christian spirituality. The example and blessing of this practice is here illustrated through the life of the long eighteenth century American Baptist, Jeremiah Chaplin. Introduction How...