It is always a humbling and learning experience to read the responses to a blog series on a controversial subject. Iron does sharpen iron, as the Bible says, and I learn much from those responses. Some postmils have taken a little umbrage at my description of Postmillennialism as a millennium involving a distinct, golden age following the one in which we live.
John Owen—A Caveat, parts 1-13
Part 1 Caveat comes from the Latin cavere. The verb in Latin means to be on guard. I am using its English descendant caveat to mean a warning or caution. Such is my esteem for John Owen that I prefer the softer idea of caution. John Owen has attained (and not...
Is “General Equity Theonomy” a Confessional and Biblical Doctrine?
Some of those who identify as theonomists today refer to themselves as “general equity theonomists,” believing that this identification lands them within the boundaries of Reformed confessional orthodoxy. But if it does, then the term “general equity” needs to be defined the same way the tradition defined it. The technical term “general equity” is used in both the Westminster Confession and the Second London Baptist Confession.
#DatPostmil? #5: The Problem with Preterism
Preterism is one of a number of different methods of prophetic interpretation that have been adopted and defended by various biblical intepreters. A little background may be helpful before I come to my discussion of preterism in particular.
DatPostmil? #4: Does the Growth of the Kingdom Require Postmillennialism?
This is part 4 of a 5 part series on "#datpostmil?" View: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Does the Growth of the Kingdom Require Postmillennialism? I mentioned in my last post that there are passages which the Postmillenialists might complain I am overlooking. Let me reassure...
#DatPostmil? #3: The Postmillennial Doctrine of Bifurcation—Two ages in the Gospel Age?
This is part 3 of a 5 part series on "#datpostmil?" View: Part 1, Part 2 The Postmillennial Doctrine of Bifurcation—Two ages in the Gospel Age? Let me pursue an aspect of the problem with Postmillennialism which I raised in my last post. I think, though my memory is...
#DatPostmil? #2: A Present Evil Age!
It did not take me long after my college years to depart from my early postmil sympathies. I suppose there were many reasons for this “sad” departure. I will attempt to describe them in this and future posts. But as I look at things now, it is this bifurcation of the present gospel age into two radically different periods which is necessary to systematic Postmillennialism which I see as a premier reason to reject Postmillennialism. It simply does not fit with the two-age schema of biblical prophecy.
#datpostmil? A Friendly (and Reluctant) Response to James White (and All My Postmillennial Friends)
This is part 1 of a 5 part series on “#datpostmil?” View: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Post-Logue A Friendly (and Reluctant) Response to James White (and All My Postmillennial Friends) Reformed Christians who follow James White have been keeping the...
CBTS Statement on Sexuality and Sexual Ethics
Rev. 1.19.2021 Our confession, the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, in summarizing the teaching of Scripture, clearly affirms in chapter 25, paragraph 1 that “Marriage is to be between one man and one woman; neither is it lawful for any man to have more...
The 2LBC & the Covenant of Works
This is part 2 of a blog series by Rex Semrad on Covenant Theology. You can find part 1 here. There has been an unfortunate amount of confusion regarding the relationship between the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1677/1689) and the doctrine of the...