No pastor I know wants their churches to fade away when they are gone. They desire that God will replace them with robustly confessional men who love the Lord and His people and who will lead them to the green grass and cool waters of His Word for decades till they themselves are replaced.
“The grand instrument”: Thomas Dunscombe on the importance of the Bible | Michael Haykin
Baptists have been profoundly shaped by a loving interaction with and heartfelt submission to the Bible. In their doctrine, their life together, and their spirituality they have been a people of the Book.
Where is the Sabbath in the early church? (Pt.1) | Jon English Lee
One of the most popular arguments against the doctrine of the Sabbath is the purposed silence of the Early Church fathers on the issue. While it is true that the early writers did not use the language of “Christian Sabbath,” they did have an almost uniform Lord’s Day observance.
Descriptions of the Divine Decree | 1689 3:2 | Sam Waldron
Yes, we worship a God who knows the future comprehensively and completely and certainly. That is because—it can only be because—He planned it comprehensively and completely and certainly.
Who is the Angel of the Lord? | Ben Carlson
It is a mystery of mysteries that although the Angel of the LORD is sent by the LORD, we are also told in many passages that the Angel of the LORD is synonymous with the LORD.
What Should We Think of God’s Decree? | 1689 3:1 | Sam Waldron
God was wise to order and in ordering all things by His decree, and if we wait on Him and the development of His plan, we will see it. God’s power is displayed in this mighty plan. We should worship His majesty.
Imputation for Spurgeon | Tom Nettles
Charles Spurgeon’ preaching consistently and profoundly gave exposition to central features of God’s saving work. This brief article will probe Spurgeon’s focus on substitutionary atonement as the connecting link between the other aspects of imputation.
Communion with the Holy Trinity | Sam Waldron | 1689 2:3
For our Baptist forefathers, the doctrine of the Trinity was anything but mysterious and difficult with little practical application to daily life. No, rather, it was crucial to our communion with God and comfort in God.
John Gill comes to London (1719) | Michael Haykin
“…in his day, especially among members of his community, the Particular Baptists of the eighteenth century, John Gill may rightly be reckoned, in the words of Lloyd-Jones, ‘a very great man, and an exceptionally able man.'”
The Doctrine of the Trinity (Pt.2) | 1689 2:3 | Sam Waldron
We must reject as unworthy of our Savior every doctrine which diminishes His true deity. He is not a lower case g God. He is capital G-O-D, God!