It is this solidarity in Adam that explains so much that otherwise would be inexplicable. Why does every human sin? What are the odds of that? Why does the Scripture say that men are born sinful and go from the womb speaking lies?
The Origin of Sin -1689 6:1 | Sam Waldron
The first sin consisted in the transgression of law. Adam, according to the Confession, violated both the general obligations of the law written on his heart and the specific and specially revealed command regarding the tree when he fell.
The Famous Sermon by William Carey | Michael Haykin
Human strength and human schemes will fail in the expansion of God’s kingdom. It must be God’s work.
What is pastoral preaching? | Tom Hicks
“A pastoral preacher is not merely concerned with the meaning and theology of the text, but also with the particular people to whom he’s preaching.”
Where is the Sabbath in the Early Church? (Pt.3) | Jon English Lee
Continuing our series on the Sabbath, this post will look at the thought of the early church father Justin Martyr to see what he thought concerning the Sabbath/Lord’s Day debate. Justin Martyr Justin was a second-century writer and itinerant evangelist,...
Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things | R. Austin McCormick
To rightly examine the life, ministry, and impact of William Carey is to consider a group of friends plodding together for the Lord.
Questions Flowing from Divine Providence – 1689 5:5-7 | Sam Waldron
The special object of God’s care in the world is not the nation of Israel. It is not even the good old USA. It is rather the church of Jesus Christ.
What To Do When We Go (Pt.2) | Tom Nettles
Jesus’ authoritative command as Lord of heaven and earth is accompanied by the assurance of his presence even to the end of the age.
What Difference Does it Make What I Do? – 1689 5:2-7 | Sam Waldron
It does matter what we do because God’s providence does not ignore or over-ride second causes and conditions but works through them. Certain actions on our part will have certain results.
CBTSeminary Moving to a New Location in Owensboro, KY
OWENSBORO, Kentucky – Today Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary announced that its host church, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, has closed on an acquisition of new facilities on Frederica St. in the heart of Owensboro, KY.