Although Keach authored this work in the seventeenth century, his correctional insights about local church controversy are relevant to every generation of Christians. As such, the remainder of this article features what Keach deemed to be “common causes of discord [in a local church].”
Understanding the Supposed “Theocratic Kingdom” | Sam Waldron
Etymologically, theocracy means “God-rule.” Theologically, however, defining this word is much more difficult.
The Revelation of the Gospel, A Revelation of God | Tom Nettles
God set forth a plan with a definite purpose; it would unfold according to specific principles embedded within the triune God himself and consistent with the final purpose.
The Challenges of Critiquing Theonomy | Sam Waldron
“One major difficulty in critiquing Theonomy is the diversity of thought within the ranks of Christian Reconstructionists. There is a substantial difference of opinion among ‘Theonomists’ as to the specific application of Old Testament laws.”
What does it look like to apply the ten commandments? | Tom Hicks
In his magnificent work, A Treatise on the Law and the Gospel, John Colquhoun has a chapter titled “Rules for Rightly Understanding the Ten Commandments” (pp 85-98), which is similar to Question 99 of the Westminster Larger Catechism, “What rules are to be observed for the right understanding of the Ten Commandments?”
The Sources of Theonomic Development | Sam Waldron
It is not my goal to provide a thorough overview of Christian Reconstruction. Others have done this well. Something must be said, however, about the basic sources of this movement and the major tenets of Theonomy or Christian Reconstruction.
Jesus and the Sabbath | Jon English Lee
Jesus is not abrogating the Sabbath when he claims his authority over it. Rather, by giving a divine interpretation of the Sabbath command, Jesus displays His own authority over His creation.
On being Baptist, Reformed, and catholic | Michael Haykin
When I began to study the Particular Baptist heritage and to sense a call to engage in genuine ressourcement of both the theology and ethos of this tradition, I met a living paragon of this glorious tradition, namely Erroll Hulse. What a remarkable Christian leader and author he was, especially in this area of Christian unity.
Moral Absolutes, the Law of God, and the Imago Dei | Dewey Dovel
When speaking in reference to the primeval Creator-creature relation, Scripture indicates that man’s natural religious fellowship with the triune God was concurrent with his intrinsic possession of original righteousness, holiness, and knowledge of the Most High.
The Believer’s Remaining Corruption ~ 1689 6:5 | Sam Waldron
The teaching of this final paragraph is an important safeguard against two errors: perfectionism and Pharisaism. It shows that though the standard of Christian behavior remains perfection (1 Pet. 1:15, 16; 2:21, 22; 1 John 2:1), yet no Christian attains that standard in this life.