Ten Tenets of Hyper-Calvinism | Geoff Thomas

Ten Tenets of Hyper-Calvinism | Geoff Thomas

There is much talk of ‘hyper-Calvinism’ – even though one rarely comes across hyper-Calvinists anywhere in the world. It is like the references to those who are ‘dead orthodox’ while, though they exist, meeting one is a rare encounter. So, there is some ignorance of what are the tenets and consequences of ‘hyper-Calvinism.’

CBTSeminary announces ThM program

CBTSeminary announces ThM program

    NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 12, 2023 Today CBTS has announced the formation of a new degree program, the Master of Theology (ThM).   A New Degree Program at CBTSeminary The Master of Theology (ThM) program is designed to deepen the...

What is the role of civil government? | Tom Hicks

What is the role of civil government? | Tom Hicks

“Paragraph 3 in the original Westminster Confession … gives the civil magistrate the power to punish heretics and blasphemers and to correct corruptions in worship and discipline. Paragraph 3 in the Savoy Declaration also says the government has the power to suppress the publication of blasphemy and serious heresies … Baptists strongly disagreed with both the Presbyterians and the Congregationalists that the government is given such powers by the Word of God.”

5 Presuppositions of Apologetics | Dewey Dovel

5 Presuppositions of Apologetics | Dewey Dovel

  What must be true in order for Christians to defend their faith against objections and unbelief?[1] What “first things” must be presupposed in order for God’s people to engage in the discipline of apologetics? While questions such as these have resulted in an...

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