By God’s kindness, CBTSeminary successfully hosted its May modular course from May 26-May 31 at 800 Chuck Gray Court, Owensboro.
CBTS Holds 2023 Graduation Ceremony at New Facilities
On May 27, 2023, CBTS held its annual graduation service at the newly renovated facilities of Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Owensboro, KY.
1689 8:1 The Foreordination of Christ the Mediator | Sam Waldron
How secure is the salvation we have in Christ! How confident we should be of our redemption in him!
What is the role of civil government? | Tom Hicks
“Paragraph 3 in the original Westminster Confession … gives the civil magistrate the power to punish heretics and blasphemers and to correct corruptions in worship and discipline. Paragraph 3 in the Savoy Declaration also says the government has the power to suppress the publication of blasphemy and serious heresies … Baptists strongly disagreed with both the Presbyterians and the Congregationalists that the government is given such powers by the Word of God.”
5 Presuppositions of Apologetics | Dewey Dovel
What must be true in order for Christians to defend their faith against objections and unbelief?[1] What “first things” must be presupposed in order for God’s people to engage in the discipline of apologetics? While questions such as these have resulted in an...
6 Thoughts for Introverted Pastors (and Leaders) | Jon English Lee
Contrary to what some around me might think, I love people. I love to sit and watch people interact. I love to listen to people tell stories and share burdens. However, I’m also an introvert. I know, it seems strange that an introvert would be in a profession...
In Him, All Things Hold Together | Tom Nettles
As I entered without incident and with ease into the proper lane of traffic, I found grounds for praise to God–both for safety and for the marvelous security of predictability that reflects his infinite intelligence.
A Recap of CovCon’23
LOUISVILLE, KY. On March 23-25, 2023, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary hosted its second annual “Covenant Conference” in Louisville. KY. The conference title was “How Then Should We Worship?” covering the subject of biblical worship. The speakers included Jim Savastio, Sam Waldron, Conrad Mbewe, Scott Aniol, Tom Nettles, and John Miller. By God’s kindness, around 200 people attended the conference. Particular Baptist Heritage Books was the main conference bookstore, and several other vendors were present.
What is Quarreling? | Tom Hicks
The root of quarrelsomeness is “covetousness.” Covetousness is discontentment with Christ, a desire to be satisfied in something outside of Him.
1689 7:3 By Farther Steps | Sam Waldron
Instead of the rather artificial one covenant, two administrations, found in the Westminster, there is a much more biblical idea of an organic and progressive revelation of the gospel throughout redemptive history.