The Holy Spirit in Christian Education | Dewey Dovel From the earliest days of civilization to the twenty-first century, human beings have demonstrated an insatiable curiosity about the world in which they inhabit.[1] Philosophers, scientists, and...
1689 8:3 The Sinless Integrity of Christ the Mediator | Sam Waldron
Though Christ’s humanity was sinless, it was subject to the effects of the curse. Though Christ’s humanity was sinless, it was subject to temptation’s onslaught.
1689 8:2 The True Humanity of Christ the Mediator | Sam Waldron
Early heresies like Gnosticism and Docetism denied that Christ was a man. The Confession echoing the Creed of Chalcedon, asserts the opposite. Another early heresy said that Christ was mostly man. Rather, as the Confession says, he is “very man” “with all the essential properties” of human nature.
Does our confession require a printed text or indicate the need for a text critical methodology? | Timothy Decker
The historical reality is, the Confession appeals to the Hebrew and Greek textual tradition of Scripture. And as this textual tradition has within it, admitted by all, variations among them; the necessary result demands we engage in textual criticism.
Ten Tenets of Hyper-Calvinism | Geoff Thomas
There is much talk of ‘hyper-Calvinism’ – even though one rarely comes across hyper-Calvinists anywhere in the world. It is like the references to those who are ‘dead orthodox’ while, though they exist, meeting one is a rare encounter. So, there is some ignorance of what are the tenets and consequences of ‘hyper-Calvinism.’
1689 8:2 The Unqualified Deity of Christ the Mediator | Sam Waldron
When the names, attributes, and prerogatives of God are attributed to another, and when God the Father is closely associated with other persons in a way that connotes equality of deity, and when others receive worship with the Father, the significance of this can’t be over-estimated.
1689 8:2 The Incarnation of Christ the Mediator | Sam Waldron
“Who is Jesus? He is the glorious and eternal Son of God that the Father wants us to love with the same tenderness, affection, and exaltation which He does!”
Can Thomists be “Reformed” on the Imago Dei? | Brice Bigham
After considering the radical distinction between the Reformed and Thomistic/Catholic conception of the image of God, a pertinent question arises for contemporary Reformed Evangelicals. Does Thomism as a system really solve the problem of contemporary theistic mutualism?
CBTSeminary announces ThM program
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 12, 2023 Today CBTS has announced the formation of a new degree program, the Master of Theology (ThM). A New Degree Program at CBTSeminary The Master of Theology (ThM) program is designed to deepen the...
CBTSeminary hosts May modular course in new facilities
By God’s kindness, CBTSeminary successfully hosted its May modular course from May 26-May 31 at 800 Chuck Gray Court, Owensboro.