Although Keach authored this work in the seventeenth century, his correctional insights about local church controversy are relevant to every generation of Christians. As such, the remainder of this article features what Keach deemed to be “common causes of discord [in a local church].”
Search Results
What does it look like to apply the ten commandments? | Tom Hicks
In his magnificent work, A Treatise on the Law and the Gospel, John Colquhoun has a chapter titled “Rules for Rightly Understanding the Ten Commandments” (pp 85-98), which is similar to Question 99 of the Westminster Larger Catechism, “What rules are to be observed for the right understanding of the Ten Commandments?”
What is pastoral preaching? | Tom Hicks
“A pastoral preacher is not merely concerned with the meaning and theology of the text, but also with the particular people to whom he’s preaching.”
What To Do When We Go Pt.1 | Tom Nettles
Those who repent unto the forgiveness of sins are the true candidates for baptism.
10 Reasons Why God Afflicts Christians | Ben Carlson
For those who believe in Christ, in the midst of all the storms you will ever face in this life, God is in control and is teaching you precious truths that will do your soul eternal good.
Counseling and Public Means | J. Ryan Davidson
While counseling, rightly performed, is an offshoot of the ministry of the Word, it is not a replacement for the public ordinary means of grace. Counseling is the ministry of the Word applied to the pain caused by the fallen world, but also applied in discipleship to the growth of the Christian.
Man as the Image of God | Sam Waldron
We should not even speak of man possessing the image of God. For the image is not something man possesses. It is something man is. Man is the image of God.
Revealed Truth for Earnest Prayer | Tom Nettles
Daniel’s prayer of repentance and intercession in Daniel 9 gives quite a remarkable lesson in how to pray and for what to pray.
A Call to Train Future Pastors | Jim Savastio
No pastor I know wants their churches to fade away when they are gone. They desire that God will replace them with robustly confessional men who love the Lord and His people and who will lead them to the green grass and cool waters of His Word for decades till they themselves are replaced.
Social Media Controversies & Moral Proximity | Tom Hicks
Are you responsible for social media controversies? We live in an unprecedented time, where all the problems of the...