I am of the opinion that the Bible does not forbid business partnerships
with unbelievers, though these must be entered into with great care.
Search Results
Him We Proclaim-Preaching Christ From all the Scriptures
R. Scott Clark interviews Dennis Johnson concerning his book Him We Proclaim. I recommend the book highly, especially...
MCTS Podcast 13: Dr. James White on Evangelizing Muslims
James White discusses the issue of evangelizing Muslims.
More thoughts on the gospel
The gospel is not my experience of grace, …
Mike Horton: What is the Gospel?
Can we do the gospel? Or do we do the law? Both? Other?
Our Own Propaganda: Wives Must Not Believe It by Carl Trueman
"Indeed, when asked by a student spouse the other week how she kept up with reading all that I read so that she could...
MCTS Podcast 11: Dr. James White on apologetics and local church membership
Dr. White’s strong doctrine of the local church omes through loud and clear.
Can we live the gospel?
What does it mean to “live the gospel”? One cannot live the good news of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection for sinners – it is a message, it is a declaration, it is good news.
Another perceptive post by Kevin DeYoung
“Amen to evangelism. Amen to services that recognize the presence of non-Christians. Amen to poking long-time believers to serve in ways besides the reading of books. But boo-hoo to chiding church members for wanting a church that loves them, teaches them, and watches over their souls.”
MCTS Podcast 10: Dr. James White on evangelism
Is evangelism the duty of all believers equally - pastors as well as housewives? This is a question which many have...