From talking with many other men who desire to serve Christ in the ministry, I know that we often struggle to know...
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Is Christ the ultimate fulfillment of the Sabbath?
The Sabbath is not a symbol or type of Christ, strictly speaking; it is a symbol and type of that which Christ attains for us – the eschatological state.
Tom Wells’ book on the Sabbath: Chapter Three (II)
The Gospels are full of allusions to and echoes of previous revelation. And the Gospels set the stage for further revelation which will explain both the redemptive acts and words of Jesus Christ (Jn. 14:26; 16:13-15).
“Redemption is . . . rotating crops, spreading manure”?
“In an equally scandalous way, we are now commissioned as co-redeemers.”
Tom Wells’ book on the Sabbath: Chapter Three (I)
“There is not one syllable of positive teaching by the Lord Jesus peculiar to the Sabbath in any Gospel passage.” – Tom Wells
The Importance of a Theological Greeting Part 2 by Jim Butler
John now moves from who God is to how we should respond: worship. The doctrine of God should lead to doxological praise.
The Importance of a Theological Greeting Part 1 by Jim Butler
The people of God are experiencing trials and they need to be reminded of the source of their comfort: the triune God who dwells in heaven and rules the nations.
Was the early church user-friendly?
I think seeker-sensitive churches use a completely wrong strategy. A person who comes into a Christian church for the first time should feel out of place.
On Liturgical Calendars
The liturgical calendar seems to be the cool thing these days. I think the liturgical calendar was instituted with...
Another classic from Carl Trueman – not for the thin-skinned
“Indeed, the bash I was at — New Word Alive – reminded me of a number of contrasts between the UK and America.
First, the conference was built around content not speakers.”