Matthew 12:30a says: “He who is not with Me is against Me…” This is the uncompromising assertion of the text. What...
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Should We Witness for Christ? (Part 3)
Matthew 12:30a says: “He who is not with Me is against Me…” This is the uncompromising assertion of the text. What...
Should We Witness for Christ? (Part 2)
My first blog post on "witnessing" for Christ might leave the impression that I am among those who suggest that...
Should We Witness for Christ? (Part 1)
As I read books on missions and evangelism, I often feel that important, biblical distinctions are getting lost in the...
Theology Matters: Dr. Waldron Teaching in Colombia
In this week's Theology Matters, Dr. Sam Waldron discusses his recent opportunity to teach in Colombia.
Serving Christ in Namibia, Africa
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Dr. Richard...
Please Pray for Our Training in Namibia
Next week, Dr. Richard Barcellos and I will be flying to Namibia, Africa to teach two modular courses to indigenous...
MCTS Podcast 16: Training Pastors in Namibia
In this week's video podcast, Richard Barcellos and John Divito discuss their upcoming mission trip to train pastors...
This book is recommended by J. Beeke and E. Hulse.