"Your "God" is too "light"; your vision of the church is too low; your view of your self is too high, and...
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Review of Rooker’s The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments: Ethics for the Twenty-First Century Mark F. Rooker (Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2010,...
Tom Wells’ book on the Sabbath: Chapter Two (III)
Wells interacts with Exod. 20:8 in less than one page. He offers what in my mind gives the appearance of a cavalier dismissal of this text with these words: “This text, of course, contains the command to keep a Sabbath. It clearly addresses only Israelites and others who live within their land, so it does not seem to be relevant under the New Covenant” (29). He then adds, “Despite that fact many find an argument in the word “remember”” (29; emphasis mine). He assumes that an assertion is a fact. Something seems wrong-headed about that.
Tom Wells’ book on the Sabbath: Chapter Two (II)
In my last post, I said, “In my next post I will interact with Wells, where he says, “[w]hen we look at...
Tom Wells’ book on the Sabbath: Chapter Two
Chapter two is entitled “The OT Witness.” Wells first discusses the argument from creation (i.e., Gen....
Tom Wells’ book on the Sabbath: Foreword and Chapter 1
On Friday, November 19, 2010, I received a free copy of Tom Wells’ newest book, The Christian and the Sabbath. Thanks,...
RBTR VII:1 sneak preview
RBTR VII:1 is being edited and should be out early in 2011. Some of the articles and book reviews for that issue...
Hamilton’s new book: Part II (Sailhamer)
Hamilton says, "Against Sailhamer's suggestion that "the narratives of Genesis 12-50 show little relation to Genesis...
Hamilton’s new book: Part I
Wow! Crossway sent me two (2) review copies of Jim Hamilton's new book God's Glory in Salvation Through Judgment - A...
Review: That Scripture Might Be Fulfilled
That Scripture Might Be Fulfilled: Typology and the Death of Christ, Paul M. Hoskins (Xulon Press: 2009, 200pp.),...