Listen to Paul Edwards interview Martin Bashir here. I highly recommend it! Bashir is the one who bashed a Bell recently. 🙂
Here are my thoughts. The quotes utilize the dynamic equivalence theory. 🙂
Bashir says the book is evasive, disingenuous, and historically inaccurate. Bell selectively quotes Luther and uses him out of context. He does that repeatedly with historical and biblical texts. Bashir slams Bell’s method.
“Bashir knows more about historic Christianity than Rob Bell,” Paul Edwards. I agree with Paul. 🙂
Bashir is really sharp. He was born into a Muslim family. He says that Christianity will offend any culture it goes to at some point.
The book is “…the psychological out-workings of a young man… and I am sympathetic with that.” “He is a victim of his own experience, as we all are to a point.”
“Any theological position that can’t be questioned is not worth following.” This includes Islam.
He nails the emergent movement as a youth movement away from historic Christian theology and practice. “If the church has been so backwards and out of touch with culture, how has it survived?” Amen!
“If I start rapping and dressing and talking like a 15 year-old as a parent, it won’t work.” Amen!
Bashir says he does attend Keller’s church, married to a Christian woman, and is a committed Christian. Amen!
“My personal faith was entirely irrelevant in that interview.” Well, I’m not so sure of that.
He is very sharp and easy to listen to.
Dr. Richard Barcellos is associate professor of New Testament Studies. He received a B.S. from California State University, Fresno, an M.Div. from The Master’s Seminary, and a Th.M. and Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary. Dr. Barcellos is pastor of Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Palmdale, CA. He is author of Trinity & Creation, The Covenant of Works, and Getting the Garden Right. He has contributed articles to various journals and is a member of ETS.
Courses taught for CBTS: New Testament Introduction, Biblical Hermeneutics, Biblical Theology I, Biblical Theology II.