When the names, attributes, and prerogatives of God are attributed to another, and when God the Father is closely associated with other persons in a way that connotes equality of deity, and when others receive worship with the Father, the significance of this can’t be over-estimated.
Search Results
1689 8:2 The Incarnation of Christ the Mediator | Sam Waldron
“Who is Jesus? He is the glorious and eternal Son of God that the Father wants us to love with the same tenderness, affection, and exaltation which He does!”
1689 7:3 By Farther Steps | Sam Waldron
Instead of the rather artificial one covenant, two administrations, found in the Westminster, there is a much more biblical idea of an organic and progressive revelation of the gospel throughout redemptive history.
Implications of the Covenant of Grace | 1689 7:2 | Sam Waldron
In agreement with the Reformed, the Baptists set beside the covenant of works a covenant of grace by which God determined to restore fallen mankind to a place of favor in His sight and put them into possession of the eternal life they had forfeited by breaking the covenant of works.
Of God’s Covenant | 1689 7:1 | Sam Waldron
This paragraph shows a number of important ways in which the Baptists agreed with basic aspects of the covenant theology of the Reformed.
Theonomic Postmillennialism Critiqued | Sam Waldron
The baggage of Postmillennialism, its predictions of political supremacy, economic prosperity, and cultural victory for the people of God, will not fit through the narrow gate which leads to life.
What is Theonomic Postmillennialism? | Sam Waldron
“One peculiarity of Theonomic postmillennialism is its emphasis on the application of Biblical law to every area of human life as the means of bringing about millennial blessing.”
A Reformed Alternative to Theonomic Ethics | Sam Waldron
Why is the civil magistrate not to enforce the “first Table of the Law”? Because he is somehow not subject to the Word of God? No! Because it’s not his job!
A Biblical Refutation of Theonomic Ethics | Sam Waldron
The Theonomic use of the Mosaic judicial law must be rejected. It obscures the proper relevance of the judicial law to the church, the visible and spiritual kingdom of Christ, in its attempt to apply it to non-Theocratic civil governments.
The Historical Background of Theonomic Ethics | Sam Waldron
If we are permitted to exegete the Westminster Confession by means of its admitted historical precedents, there need be no doubt that it is not a Theonomic document.