Dr. Sam Waldron on Book of Revelation

by | Aug 2, 2013 | Eschatology

Earlier this year, Dr. Sam Waldron participated in a symposium of three views of the book of Revelation. The video and audio of this discussion is now available through the ministry American Vision. Here is a taste of the symposium:

Symposium: noun \sim-?p?-z?-?m 

a : a social gathering at which there is free interchange of ideas

: a formal meeting at which several specialists deliver short addresses on a topic or on related topics

: a collection of opinions on a subject; especially : one published by a periodical

d : discussion

In February of 2013, three biblical scholars set out to debate discuss three separate views of Revelation in Reno, Nevada.

  • Dr. Sam Waldron, academic dean of MCTS and professor of systematic theology debated discussed the Idealist position.
  • Gary DeMar, M. Div, RTS debated discussed the Preterist (partial) position.
  • Dr. James Hamilton, Asst. Professor of biblical studies, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary debated discussed the futurist position.

What happened however turned out not to be a typical talking head debate symposium on the book of Revelation.

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