First, an apology. Unfortunately, in the midst of our name change from the Midwest Center for Theological Studies to Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, we have run into a number of issues with our blog. While most of these problems have been resolved, I want to apologize for the inconvenience.
At the same time, if you have been following our blog then you know that Dr. Sam Waldron recently completed his series assessing exclusive psalmody. Now that it is complete, we have opened the comments section of this post to discuss Dr. Waldron’s assessment. So please feel free to contribute! Here are the brief articles:
- A Consideration of Exclusive Psalmody
- What is Exclusive Psalmody and Why Should We Take the Time to Deal With It?
- How Must the Question of Exclusive Psalmody be Answered?
- My First Major Argument Against Exclusive Psalmody
- My Second Major Argument Against Exclusive Psalmody
- My Third Major Argument Against Exclusive Psalmody
- My Fourth Major Argument Against Exclusive Psalmody
- My Fifth Major Argument Against Exclusive Psalmody

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degree in their field of instruction, and possess significant pastoral experience.