Turretin does not give a definition of natural theology other than describing what it consists of, “The natural, occupied with that which may be known of God (to gnōston tou Theou), is both innate (from the common notions implanted in each one) and acquired (which creatures gain discursively).”
The Heavenly Origin of Earthly Events | Tom J. Nettles
Any act of God that fixes our minds on the surpassing value of heavenly and eternal life is an excellent gift.
Francis Turretin’s Natural Theology: Francis Junius’s Influence | John Sweat
The early Reformed scholastic Francis Junius influenced Reformed theology greatly in his work A Treatise of True Theology.
On Marriage in the Second London Confession 25 | Michael A.G. Haykin
For close to a millennium, the model of Christian discipleship had been centered upon the institution of the monastery/nunnery in which men and women lived celibate lives of simplicity and austerity. But the normal context of Christian discipleship in the era of the New Testament and the Ancient Church was in the realm of married life.
Francis Turretin’s Natural Theology: John Calvin’s Influence | John Sweat
There are two pillars on which Turretin constructs his natural theology, the first being Calvin’s duplex cognition dei.
A Historical Overview of the Lord’s Supper | Matthew Wiersma
A Christian’s understanding of the Lord’s Supper affects his understanding of the hypostatic union, sanctification, and other related doctrines. The doctrine of the Lord’s Supper is worth debating so that the church may hone its understanding and better remember the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.
Francis Turretin’s Natural Theology: Clearing the Historical Record | John Sweat
Natural theology has been confessed throughout the history of the church, it has not been used or understood monolithically. To use the recurring phrase of Turretin, many have “erred in excess” or “erred in defect” in their conception of natural theology.
Spring 2024 Registration, now open!
Registration for Spring 2024 Live Classes is now open. We have another great lineup of live classes this semester. So, follow this link to enroll in one or more of these courses: https://cbtseminary.org/register/
Have you considered Job? | Tom J. Nettles
That God brought all into existence with a specific purpose in his eternal mind, that he will by no means fail to accomplish his purpose, and that we are incapable of sorting out all the individual events of the world to satisfy our impertinent questioning of God is the big lesson of this book. It moves toward that lesson with one of the most poignant stories in all of human literature.
The Scope of Scripture | Ben Carlson
“The scope of Scripture teaches us that all biblical roads in one way or another lead to Christ. The entire Bible points to the redemption of sinners and restoration of the universe by the incarnate Son of God.”