Hamilton’s new book: Part II (Sailhamer)

by | Nov 12, 2010 | Biblical Theology, Book, Book Reviews, Hermeneutics

Hamilton says, “Against Sailhamer’s suggestion that “the narratives of Genesis 12-50 show little relation to Genesis 1-11,” [Hamilt0n is referencing Sailhamer’s The Meaning of the Pentateuch, 301] I will argue here that the narratives of Genesis 12-50 are thick with the blessings of Genesis 12 overcoming the curses of Genesis 3″ (Hamilton, God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment [GG], 80). I noticed that Hamilton takes Sailhamer to task again several pages later. Sailhamer’s book was pushed hard by John Piper when it came out. I remember watching a video clip on it (or maybe it was an email I read) and Dr. Piper was really recommending the book. I have not read Sailhamer’s book but do recommend this (http://jimhamilton.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/sbjt-v14-n-2-hamilton.pdf) by Dr. Hamilton. I agree with Dr. Hamilton that “the narratives of 12-50 are thick with the blessings of Genesis 12 overcoming the curses of Genesis 3.” He does a wonderful job illustrating that in chapter two and his utilization of Genesis 3:15-19 is masterful. Bravo, Dr. H.!

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