Eric Coher is a recent graduate of Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, having received our Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree. In the letter below, Eric writes about his studies with us.
Dear Prayer Partners and Supporters,
As I reflect back over the past few years of my theological training at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary (CBTS), I am both humbled and immensely blessed by the instruction that I received. As a full-time pastor, I was unable to uproot my family and leave my church to pursue seminary. Consequently, I was thrilled to learn that there was an institution right in my “backyard” that was theologically orthodox, distinctively reformed, and academically rigorous. CBTS provided an opportunity for me to pursue a theological education while simultaneously serving in the local church. This meant that not only did I benefit from what I was learning, but the sparks of my education fell on those who sat under my teaching, preaching, counseling, and discipleship.
While CBTS was the vehicle for my theological training, it was the men who invested in my education for which I am most grateful. Each professor, resident or visiting, that I had the privilege of learning from sought to equip my mind, challenge my heart, encourage my soul, and better prepare me to shepherd the flock of God. They deeply cared for, intentionally thought for, and loved me well in very tangible ways. Being surrounded by men who passionately love Christ, valiantly uphold the truth of the gospel, and desire to see the Church rooted, built up, and established has served crystalize my calling, chisel my theological convictions, hone my spiritual gifts. In short, I am a better husband, father, pastor, shepherd, teacher, counselor, disciple-maker, and friend as a result of my seminary training at CBTS!
At the end of the day, having a degree on the wall or letters following my name is insignificant. What is significant, on the other hand, is the sharpening that I received through my studies at CBTS. The instruction that I received will help me to better fulfill Paul’s exhortation, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28 ESV).
For the glory of Christ and the beauty of His Bride,
Eric C. Coher, Associate Pastor
Faith Bible Church
Evansville, IN

CBTS Faculty fully subscribe to the 1689 Confession of Faith, hold an advanced
degree in their field of instruction, and possess significant pastoral experience.