Hamilton’s new book: Part I

by | Nov 10, 2010 | Biblical Theology, Book, Book Reviews, Current Events

Wow! Crossway sent me two (2) review copies of Jim Hamilton’s new book God’s Glory in Salvation Through Judgment – A Biblical Theology. It looks wonderful. Though I did not have the time, I read about 1/2 of the first chapter. Great stuff so far! I have read most of . They are well worth the read and will give you much food for further study of the Scriptures. I hope to share my thoughts as I work my way through this 639 page book.

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Of Zeal | John Gill

Of Zeal | John Gill

Zeal is an ardour of mind, a fervent affection for some person or thing; with an indignation against every thing supposed to be pernicious and hurtful to it.

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