Family-Integrated Church 11: Commendation for “A Weed in the Church” (Part 1)

by | Apr 21, 2011 | Family-Integrated Church, Uncategorized

I propose to take as my “text” for the next several blogs Scott Brown’s new book entitled A Weed in the Church. As you might guess by now, this is because I have a certain critique to give with regard to it. But that is not where I want to begin. Nor was it my first reaction to the book. My first reaction was to feel, as I explored Scott’s world of thought in this book, that I was on familiar ground.

I was struck by this at so many points in the book. He emphasized that the Old Testament is appropriately used for the ethical guidance of New Covenant Christians (76-79). This was a refreshing affirmation of the Reformed approach to the Old Testament and rejection of all the Dispensational, Neo-Dispensational, and “New Covenant” views around today which (in principle) throw the ethics of the Old Testament on the trash heap of history. In line with this emphasis he teaches the importance of family’s teaching their children the importance of Sabbath-keeping (149-150).

He strongly affirms the sufficiency of Scripture (80-81). Many today do not think the Bible has anything definitive to say about the way the church should be organized or do ministry. In a day in which pragmatism and human tradition seem to have unchallenged sway in many churches, this emphasis was welcome.

He clearly affirms the regulative principle of worship (81-84). He knows that it was historically formulated in contrast to the normative principle of worship. He even affirms that the statement of the regulative principle in the 1689 Baptist Confession (in chapter 22:1) is clarified or nuanced by the qualifying statement of 1:6 where the Confession notes that that there are some circumstances concerning the worship of God, and government of the church, common to human actions and societies, which are to be ordered by the light of nature and Christian prudence, according to the general rules of the Word, which are always to be observed.

His use and citation of the 1689 Baptist Confession is, of course, another way in which I felt I was on familiar theological ground in reading Scott’s book. Praise God for the broadening influence of the 1689 Baptist Confession in our day!

All of this leads Scott to say something to which I can say a whole-hearted and loud “Amen.” Here it is: “The church is not the playground for our creative inventions. Scripture calls us to be faithful to the means which God has appointed…” (85)

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