CBTSeminary hosts ARTS annual meeting

by | Oct 11, 2023 | Announcements


On October 5-6th, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary had the privilege of hosting the annual Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries meeting in Owensboro. KY. ARTS is an accrediting organization and the mission of ARTS is to preserve and advance the academic quality, accountability, and improvement of institutions committed to educating students in the tenets of Reformed Theology.

Several representatives from CBTSeminary, along with representatives from the following ARTS member schools met in person to address relevant ARTS business: Birmingham Theological Seminary, Grace Bible Theological Seminary, Metro Atlanta Seminary, Metro Baltimore Seminary, Sangre de Cristo Seminary, and Western Reformed Seminary. Representatives from the following ARTS member schools were also able to join the meeting: Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and Toronto Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition to these member schools, ARTS welcomed numerous affiliates to their annual meeting.

The administrative staff of Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary gives praise to the Lord for allowing CBTSeminary to host this event. Additionally, the CBTSeminary administrators are thankful to their host church, Grace Reformed Baptist Church (Owensboro, KY), for their continued prayers and support of the Seminary.


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