“Those notes may be nothing in isolation, but in aggregate they form a song more lovely than the lectures of learned scoffers.” James M. Hamilton
Search Results
G. K. Beale discusses some contemporary attacks on Inspiration
Dr. Beale interacts with some troubling contemporary trends in evangelical scholarship.
Sacred space and sacred time: Old Covenant concepts alone?
My hunch is that it has probably been around since the beginning of time.
a biblical theology of mountain-temples, with help from G. K. Beale
The fact that the Garden is viewed as the place of the first mountain is very interesting in light of the Bible’s emphasis on mountains and temples.
More thoughts on the gospel
The gospel is not my experience of grace, …
Mike Horton: What is the Gospel?
Can we do the gospel? Or do we do the law? Both? Other?
Brief thoughts on Adam, Christ, image bearing and dominion
Both Adam and the incarnate Son of God are image bearers of the invisible God (Genesis 1:26-27; 2 Corinthians 4:4;...
Thoughts on the Bible citing and alluding to the Bible
The Bible often cites itself and alludes to previous persons, events, or institutions. Why does it do this?
Introduction Covenant of Works Covenant of Grace: The Programmatic Function of Genesis 3:15 Coxe sees the covenant of...
ReformedCast: The Family Tree of Reformed Biblical Theology
Scott Oakland interviewed me last night about my dissertation. You can listen here or here (mp3). The book is...