The Sabbath is not a symbol or type of Christ, strictly speaking; it is a symbol and type of that which Christ attains for us – the eschatological state.
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Tom Wells’ book on the Sabbath: Chapter Three (III)
Wells references Matt. 12:1-14 several times in chapter 3 but offers no exposition of the passage.
How Should the Books of the OT Be Ordered? Dr. Jim Hamilton
English translations need to revisit the way that the books of the Old Testament are ordered.
The Covenant of Creation
The guys at Reformed Forum discuss the Creation Covenant with Dr. Roland S. Ward.
Tom Wells’ book on the Sabbath: Chapter Three (II)
The Gospels are full of allusions to and echoes of previous revelation. And the Gospels set the stage for further revelation which will explain both the redemptive acts and words of Jesus Christ (Jn. 14:26; 16:13-15).
Tom Wells’ book on the Sabbath: Chapter Three (I)
“There is not one syllable of positive teaching by the Lord Jesus peculiar to the Sabbath in any Gospel passage.” – Tom Wells
The Consummation
History is going somewhere and Christ is no passive by-stander.
Christ’s Headship as it Relates to the Old and New Creations
Christ as the eternal Son of God and as the theanthropic Mediator occupies an office of headship over all things in heaven and upon earth and over the old and new creations.
The First Adam and the Greater Last Adam
Surely the headship of the last Adam constitutes him a much greater Adam than the first man was!
Some thoughts on Israel’s law, the Gentiles, and Christ
God must have incorporated moral law (i.e., law common to all men) into old covenant Israel’s national law as positive law for Israel under the old covenant.