MCTS friend and adjunct professor Dr. James White will be interviewing Drs. Waldron and Barcellos today.
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MCTS Podcast 8: Q & A with Dr. James White
Dr. James White answers the typical sceptic’s question.
Podcast 7: A Christian Sabbath?
Dr. Waldron discusses the subject of the Sabbath and the Christian in response to issues brought up in a new book by Tom Wells.
Podcast 5: Would you marry unbelievers?
Real presence of God in public worship?
Could it be that some in our day have emphasized the individual over the corporate, Jesus in our heart over Christ in the midst of His gathered people, all of life is worship over some of life is special worship?
Podcast 3: Dr. Waldron’s December 2010 trip to England
“The Uneasy Relationship between Repentance and Faith in the Reformed Tradition.” Which comes first – repentance or faith – and are both essential for salvation? Dr. Waldron discusses the views of Calvin, the Marrow Men, Sandemanianism, Pink, Lloyd-Jones, Norman Shepherd, and others.
New Series of Podcasts: Interviews, Insights, and News
Tonight we are launching a new series of weekly podcasts that will feature Q&A sessions with our resident...
Dr. Renihan interview on the Puritans: Part I
In this two-part-series, Richard Barcellos interviews Dr. Jim Renihan on various issues. Here are some of the issues...
MCTS Renihan/Waldron interview: Part #4
Richard Barcellos interviews Drs. Jim Renihan and Sam Waldron on issues related to the 1689 Confession of Faith in the...
MCTS Renihan/Waldron interview: Part #3
Richard Barcellos interviews Drs. Jim Renihan and Sam Waldron on issues related to the 1689 Confession of Faith in the...