Like the Bible, the Confession is often self-interpreting, latter statements shedding interpretive light on former...
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D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Rare TV interview of the late great preacher here.
Another perceptive post by Kevin DeYoung
“Amen to evangelism. Amen to services that recognize the presence of non-Christians. Amen to poking long-time believers to serve in ways besides the reading of books. But boo-hoo to chiding church members for wanting a church that loves them, teaches them, and watches over their souls.”
MCTS Podcast 10: Dr. James White on evangelism
Is evangelism the duty of all believers equally - pastors as well as housewives? This is a question which many have...
Polemic Theology: How to Deal with Those Who Differ from Us
Roger Nicole asks three penetrating questions.
Since Coxe played a major role in the formulation of the 2nd LCF and since his federalism is clear and in substantial agreement with the federal theology of his day, then, if contemporary, confessional Reformed Baptists confess the things most surely believed among us, then shouldn’t they confess Coxe’s federalism?
Thoughts on Public Worship: ontic weight?
He argues that the gathered church has greater ontological weight than the scattered church. This implies both sacred space and sacred time.
Thoughts on Public Worship: Too light, too low, too high
"Your "God" is too "light"; your vision of the church is too low; your view of your self is too high, and...
Meeting the Risen Christ at the Table?
Jesus Christ is really present in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper…
Why Johnny Can’t Sing Hymns
Here is Chris Arnzen interviewing T. David Gordon on his book Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns: How Pop-Culture Re-Wrote...