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Podcast 3: Dr. Waldron’s December 2010 trip to England
“The Uneasy Relationship between Repentance and Faith in the Reformed Tradition.” Which comes first – repentance or faith – and are both essential for salvation? Dr. Waldron discusses the views of Calvin, the Marrow Men, Sandemanianism, Pink, Lloyd-Jones, Norman Shepherd, and others.
MCTS Continued Education for Pastors
For the past two semesters MCTS has invited pastors to join us via the internet for continued education. Several from...
Reformed Baptist Theological Review (RBTR) news
RBTR is a theological journal I have editied since 2004. We have good news! I just received the proof copy of RBTR...
RBTR new cover and more news
Recently, I posted on the next two issues of the Reformed Baptist Theological Review (RBTR). You can see those posts...
Faults of Our Fathers: The Spread of Sin in the Patriarchal Narrative and the Doctrine of Justification
Great stuff by Bob Gonzales on Genesis, sin, justification, and some modern "Protestants."
new book on Justification looks great
From R. Scott Clark: Our friends at Modern Reformation have had a baby, as it were: . This is a collection of...
Dr. James White coming to MCTS
Dr. James White will be lecturing at MCTS on New Atheism, Islam, Roman Catholicism, and Mormonism, if he can get all...
Hopping mad about Holy Hip Hop? Part II
Here is part II of Dr. David Murray on hip hop/rap. It's worth the read and worth pondering.
Arminians Can Breathe a Sigh of Relief
Ligon Duncan responds to Barna.