“Amen to evangelism. Amen to services that recognize the presence of non-Christians. Amen to poking long-time believers to serve in ways besides the reading of books. But boo-hoo to chiding church members for wanting a church that loves them, teaches them, and watches over their souls.”
Search Results
ReformedCast: The Family Tree of Reformed Biblical Theology
Scott Oakland interviewed me last night about my dissertation. You can listen here or here (mp3). The book is...
MCTS Podcast 10: Dr. James White on evangelism
Is evangelism the duty of all believers equally - pastors as well as housewives? This is a question which many have...
MCTS Podcast 9: Dr. James White on sola Scriptura
Dr. James White discusses sola Scriptura.
MCTS Podcast 8: Q & A with Dr. James White
Dr. James White answers the typical sceptic’s question.
Podcast 7: A Christian Sabbath?
Dr. Waldron discusses the subject of the Sabbath and the Christian in response to issues brought up in a new book by Tom Wells.
Nice year-end music
In case anyone was wondering (probably not, though), here is something I have been enjoying for a few weeks. Home for...
Real presence of God in public worship?
Could it be that some in our day have emphasized the individual over the corporate, Jesus in our heart over Christ in the midst of His gathered people, all of life is worship over some of life is special worship?
Reformed Baptist Academic Press Year-End Sale
Order the two Reformed Baptist Theological Review 2009 issues (RBTR VI:1 and 2) at full price ($22US/$27non-US) and receive 50% off all other RBAP titles.
James White Gives a Message for Muslims
Recently on the Aramaic Broadcasting Network, James White gave a message for Muslims on a live episode of Answering...