“Despite the many glories of Old Princeton, there were still noticeable characteristics of the seminary that had ample room for reform.”
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Theonomic Postmillennialism Critiqued | Sam Waldron
The baggage of Postmillennialism, its predictions of political supremacy, economic prosperity, and cultural victory for the people of God, will not fit through the narrow gate which leads to life.
A Biblical Refutation of Theonomic Ethics | Sam Waldron
The Theonomic use of the Mosaic judicial law must be rejected. It obscures the proper relevance of the judicial law to the church, the visible and spiritual kingdom of Christ, in its attempt to apply it to non-Theocratic civil governments.
Understanding the Supposed “Theocratic Kingdom” | Sam Waldron
Etymologically, theocracy means “God-rule.” Theologically, however, defining this word is much more difficult.
The Sources of Theonomic Development | Sam Waldron
It is not my goal to provide a thorough overview of Christian Reconstruction. Others have done this well. Something must be said, however, about the basic sources of this movement and the major tenets of Theonomy or Christian Reconstruction.
Moral Absolutes, the Law of God, and the Imago Dei | Dewey Dovel
When speaking in reference to the primeval Creator-creature relation, Scripture indicates that man’s natural religious fellowship with the triune God was concurrent with his intrinsic possession of original righteousness, holiness, and knowledge of the Most High.
An Irenic Clarification | Rex Semrad
Some public responses to Dr. Waldron’s recent blog post, “Do We Still Believe in Sola Scriptura?” have demonstrated a misunderstanding of both the purpose of the article and the main point of the article. This article was not in any way intended to be an attack on any particular person or group of people.
Presuppositional Ponderings after Reading Thomas Aquinas
In this post I want to respond to the criticisms of presuppositionalism based on the fascination with Aquinas among some contemporary Reformed scholars. I will point out several misguided and unhelpful directions that are being taken in the current discussion of Aquinas and Christian Apologetics.
Presuppositional Ponderings after Reading Thomas Aquinas, Whole Series
After Reading Aquinas! “Everyone” knows that recently there has been quite a furor created by the claims...
Presuppositional Ponderings after Reading Thomas Aquinas, part 7
Calvin and Aquinas Contrasted Yet More! Fourth, there is a very different view of the usefulness of philosophy...