Who’s Tampering with the Trinity? That is the name of a book that is perhaps the most recent installment of a major...
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Family-Integrated Church 19: A Plea for Principled Unity
This is, I think, the last of my blogs on the subject of the Family-Integrated Church movement. I have attempted to...
Family-Integrated Church 18: Samuel, Jesus, and Paul (Part 2)
Samuel, Jesus, and Paul are sometimes brought forward in response to the family-integrated rejection of age-segregated...
Family-Integrated Church 17: Samuel, Jesus, and Paul (Part 1)
The Family-Integrated Church movement condemns the idea of age-segregated Sunday School classes. They do this in the...
Family-Integrated Church 16: Of Nurseries
Both Scott Brown and Voddie Baucham incorporate a rejection of nurseries for children during church services into...
Family-Integrated Church 15: Why the family-integrated church is not demanded by the regulative principle! (Part 2)
Last time I noted the argument for family-integrated views which Scott Brown in A Weed in the Church launches on the...
Why the Prediction That Christ Would Come May 21 Was Wrong (Part 8 of 8)
I have one final observation to make on this whole debacle. When those who profess to be Bible-believing Christians...
Why the Prediction That Christ Would Come May 21 Was Wrong (Part 7 of 8)
III. Its Concluding Application The “date-setters” make predictions that time after time prove to be false. Thus, they...
Why the Prediction That Christ Would Come May 21 Was Wrong (Part 6 of 8)
Context is crucial in understanding Matthew 24:36. Here is the circle of context which must be considered. C. The...
Why the Prediction That Christ Would Come May 21 Was Wrong (Part 5 of 8)
The third thing that must be considered regarding Matthew 24:36 is … III. Its Contextual Confirmation False...