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Results for "#DatPostmil?"
A Post-Logue to #DatPostmil? Blog Posts

A Post-Logue to #DatPostmil? Blog Posts

It is always a humbling and learning experience to read the responses to a blog series on a controversial subject. Iron does sharpen iron, as the Bible says, and I learn much from those responses. Some postmils have taken a little umbrage at my description of Postmillennialism as a millennium involving a distinct, golden age following the one in which we live.

#DatPostmil? #5: The Problem with Preterism

#DatPostmil? #5: The Problem with Preterism

Preterism is one of a number of different methods of prophetic interpretation that have been adopted and defended by various biblical intepreters. A little background may be helpful before I come to my discussion of preterism in particular.

#DatPostmil? #2: A Present Evil Age!

#DatPostmil? #2: A Present Evil Age!

It did not take me long after my college years to depart from my early postmil sympathies. I suppose there were many reasons for this “sad” departure. I will attempt to describe them in this and future posts. But as I look at things now, it is this bifurcation of the present gospel age into two radically different periods which is necessary to systematic Postmillennialism which I see as a premier reason to reject Postmillennialism. It simply does not fit with the two-age schema of biblical prophecy.

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