Dr. Waldron’s Travels

by | May 25, 2011 | Announcements

From the desk of Dr. Waldron:

I am currently in Romania where I will be preaching for Pastor Mirces Aioanei.  I will be preaching four times at a conference on Saturday, one time each at two local churches in Arad, and once on Monday for a meeting of local Baptist Union pastors.  The gneral subject of all these ministries has to do with the confusion and danger of Continuationism there.  It seems a prominent Romanian pastor in his old age has accepted Charismatic doctrine.  Mircea believes that the confusion over his new stance presents an opportunity to present the teaching of God’s Word on the cessation of the miraculous gifts.  My book, To Be Continued?, has been translated into Romanian and will be given out at the conference free of charge.  Please pray that I would present the teaching of God’s Word on this vital subject clearly, powerfully, and helpfully.  Please also pray that my ministry might be of encouragement to Pastor Mircea himself and his church.  Finally, please pray that I might be given the strength and the safety in travel to fulfill this ministry.  This trip is made possible by our brethren in Mebane who are financially under-writing my travel there.

This is the first of four overseas ministries in the next 9 months.  I will also be in the Far East in August teaching a course on the Doctrine of the Church, in Bogota, Colombia in October teaching the Doctrine of God, and in England preaching at the Carey Conference in January of 2012.

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