Dr. White shares his 2011 travel plans and writing projects.

CBTS Faculty fully subscribe to the 1689 Confession of Faith, hold an advanced
degree in their field of instruction, and possess significant pastoral experience.
Dr. White shares his 2011 travel plans and writing projects.
CBTS Faculty fully subscribe to the 1689 Confession of Faith, hold an advanced
degree in their field of instruction, and possess significant pastoral experience.
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Death is still our hateful foe,
And its damage to our world we lament.
Yet Christ shall put an end to its woe,
When trumpet sounds and sky is rent.
Is Psalm 12:6–7 a Proof Text for Scripture’s Preservation? A Historical Examination | Timothy Decker When it comes to the prooftexts of our Confession’s statement on the preservation of Scripture at §1.8, we have to admit that there are none offered for the...
“Bayes should be applauded for attempting the monumental task of developing a contemporary work of systematic theology that is distinctly Reformed Baptist…”