Podcast 3: Dr. Waldron’s December 2010 trip to England

by | Dec 6, 2010 | Current Events, Historical Theology, Interviews, Podcast, Practical Theology, Systematic Theology

Dr. Waldron discusses his December 2010 trip to England. Among many other things, he will be delivering a paper at the Westminster Conference on “The Uneasy Relationship between Repentance and Faith in the Reformed Tradition.” Which comes first – repentance or faith – and are both essential for salvation? Dr. Waldron discusses the views of Calvin, the Marrow Men, Sandemanianism, Pink, Lloyd-Jones, Norman Shepherd, and others.

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Of Zeal | John Gill

Of Zeal | John Gill

Zeal is an ardour of mind, a fervent affection for some person or thing; with an indignation against every thing supposed to be pernicious and hurtful to it.

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