Roberto Soriano | CBTS Graduate

by | Jun 4, 2024 | Graduate Testimony, Student Profiles

My seminary journey began on June 7th, 2020, while I was living in Lawrence, MA. Four months later, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary offered me full-time employment as the Director of Information Technology and Operations, prompting a move with my family in November of that same year. Upon our move, I was blessed to become a member of Grace Reformed Baptist Church (Owensboro, KY), where I was also received as a pastoral intern. In March 2024, the same congregation called me to serve as one of its deacons.

Many have strengthened my hands throughout this journey. May the Lord remember their names. I specially thank God for my dear Chaneirys, who for 11 years has been my heart’s delight and faithful helper. Our children—Abraham (8), Abigail (5), Ezra (4), Judah (2), and Emzara (expected in June)—rise up and call her blessed. I also thank God for Rosa De Jesus: by birth my mother, by providence my father, by grace a chief instrument in His hands to lead me to Christ.

As an institution, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary is committed to Reformed orthodoxy. Its faculty, composed of local church pastor-theologians, is devoted to Reformed orthopraxy. CBTS has given me access to excellent theological training and sound pastoral instruction. The examples of two men have been of particular impact: Dr. Samuel Waldron, whose dogmatics will forever shape my thinking, and Michael Emadi, whose linguistic pedagogy made 6 AM Greek a fantastic voyage. These and other members of the faculty have left an indelible mark on me.

What have these four years taught me but that the Lord is most incomprehensible? How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! What knowledge have I acquired but that the love of Christ surpasses knowledge? O the depths of the Mystery of Divinity! May I never graduate from that MDiv. To God be all the honor and glory.

Roberto Soriano (MDiv, CBTS) serves as Director of Information Technology at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. He also serves as a Deacon at Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Owensboro, KY. He aspires to pastoral ministry and now plans to begin studying for his ThM at CBTS.


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CBTSeminary Holds September Modular Course on Textual Criticism

CBTSeminary Holds September Modular Course on Textual Criticism

Earlier this month, we held our Labor Day Modular Course on Textual Criticism. Dr. Timothy Decker, Michael Emadi, and John Miller lectured on Textual Criticism in their respective areas of biblical studies. Over 20 students attended the module in person in Owensboro, KY. The goal of the course was to guide students toward achieving a basic comprehension of the issues surrounding Old Testament and New Testament Textual Criticism.

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